Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world and the harvesting time is always exciting.
So the first seedlings appear and we expecte to see the first flowers born, when the fields will be tinged with the violet of the crocus sativus petals and it will beam with the yellow of the precious stigmas.
This beautiful flower produces only one harvesting a year. The period is never the same since it varies according to the different climatic conditions from year to year. The saffron’s cultivation requires the daily commitment of the grower and it implies a great deal of work. The harvest opens every morning at dawn, before the sunlight warms all the purple saffron flowers making the bright buds open. It is a daily handywork. The collected flowers are conserved in wicker baskets that allow any dew or rainy drops to drip.
This year, the harvesting lasted 18 days and it was very demanding. More than 500,000 specimens have been collected.
The weeding is an operation that consists in separating the stigmas from the other parts of the flower. So, the collected saffron flowers are taken to our laboratories for the weeding. Each saffron flower is composed by three red stigmas and toasted at low temperatures briefly. This allowed us to obtain approximately three kilos of stigmas of a vivid red color that fades into dark orange at the tips. It was a great satisfaction.
Now, our “red gold” is placed in airtight jars and it is covered and kept in a secluded place in order to become the most expensive spice in the world.

It’s Christmas time and our saffron is ready to be the absolute protagonist of your flavored dishes with its intense aroma.
Make precious your Christmas table and enjoy our saffron together with your family or friends. It could be a perfect gift!
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